“You will Fly”

Written by Reverent Selvakumar

March 18, 2022

A desire to live with God is sleeping calmly in heart. Whenever we try to wake it up,the cyclone of sin attacking our heart and damaging severely and make it calm.
When we wake up again and think “it’s not possible to live in harmony with Jesus” and deciding to make a U turn from God, Bible encourage us saying “ Is not God lifted up Joesph who overcame flesh?” and calling us back.
Are you started with a desire to live holy with God but fell in the depths of sin? Are you living in a self pity saying trying,falling and failing is my way of life?This is the news for you,continue reading.
A colorful butterfly flying in the sky laid in a branch. The egg become worm and the worm eat the leaf and lived within the cocoons.It is informed to that work that “One day you will fly like your mother in the sky with colorful wings”.
The worm replied, “I have no wings and it takes a lot of time to pass through from one end of the branch to the other end. In this condition,how can I fly? No way,don’t make fun of me”
But one day some changes happened in its body and the legs disappeared. Oh,now my legs are also gone! How can I fly when it is not even possible to walk? Cried the worm. What a wonder! In the place of legs, a small wing started to grow and in a few days it became a beautiful full grown wing.
When it moved the wing the body also lifted along with the wing. It felt so happy. It flew through the garden many times. Not only that,it said to the other worms in the garden, “Don’t be discouraged my friends! One day you also fly as I fly. I tell this very strongly though you won’t believe this now.You will fly”.


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