- He who walks uprightly
- Works righteousness
- Speaks truth in his heart
- He that does not backbites with his tongue
- He who does no evil to his neighbor
- He who does not takes up a reproach against his neighbor
- He who despises a vile person
- He who honors those who fear the Lord
- He who swears to his own hurt and does not change
- He who does not put out his money for usury (Interest)
- He who does not take bribe against the innocent
We see in Psalms that such person shall never be moved.
Once, man of God Sadhu Stephen said that he used to examine himself and used to sanctify his own life.
Even while the great holy men! Had to sanctify themselves daily… how much more should we examine ourselves… and should grow in the holiness. How much more important is it for us? So let us follow these 11 simple things; and let us get that opportunity to live in God’s holy him!
Wishing to fly with Jesus?
In the year 1984,the Olympic games were conducted at the city of Los Angeles where Hollywood is located. The Olympic...