“Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.” (I Corinthians 15:51-52)
In the secret coming of Jesus Christ, saints who are alive will be transformed. In a twinkling of an eye, we will be transformed. Think how it will be. we will never know the day or hour of his coming. So those who go to school will go to school and those who go to office will be going to office. There is no difference between that day and other days. But suddenly Jesus will come on the clouds. Gather his saints. We who are alive, will change at the twinkling of an eye. we will be transformed. How amazing it is! we will count for that day and be happy. Let us think of the day when He gathers us and rejoice. There are no sorrows on this earth. We will be happy with Lord forever. The trumpet will sound. Jesus will come. He will sweetly gather us. Shall we get ready for that day? We look forward to the day of the coming of Jesus Christ.
Those who deserve to stand before Jesus Christ
“But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly.”(Luke 21:34)
Let not your heart be weighed. Not weighed down by carousing, drunkenness and worries. Worries is the big disease. that is the cause of many diseases. Not only that, it also causes our hearts to slip away from Jesus. When worry comes, disbelief, grumbling, and fear and many false characters surrounds us. It compels us to turn away from God. That is why Jesus has said that cares of this world and fainting of riches is said to be thorn bushes that stop our faith to grow. Like how seeds in the place of thorns can not grow , faith upon Jesus Christ stumble to grow. Let us take away the cares of this world and fainting of riches. Can we achieve anything if we are sad? No. Your heart and mind will lack peace. Disease will come in your body. So, let us take a decision. Let us take a decision that i will utterly destroy the sorrows in my heart. No need fainting in riches .We must be satisfied With what we have. We must be satisfied. with the blessings He gives because of the love of Jesus Christ. Do not wander your eyes for the missing things. Do not run towards the world for illusory material. Father knows what is enough for you. He will surely give it. He is your Father. He knows what is best for you than you knows. So He will give you what you need. So trust completely in God. Put the burden on the Lord and He will support you. How wonderful! you can stand in front of Jesus Christ as you comfortably glorify the Lord . You will surely be taken up when Jesus Christ comes. Let us put down unwanted sins; Let us fly with a light heart when Jesus Christ comes.
Watch and Pray
“Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:36).
Prayer is very important. We are strengthened in the Lord by prayer. We put on the image of the Lord. Many of us, in times of prayer, pray only for our worldly needs. These are necessary, but if we pray only for worldly needs, we cannot grow. Prayer is a gift that unites us with God and our Lord. In prayer, We must long and search for Jesus and His love and His power. Then we can grow. The Lord Jesus Christ has guided us on how to pray. It is to glorify God, to fulfil the will of the Father, to pray for the kingdom of God to expand, and to forgive others and receive forgiveness, to get your daily diet. It also states that one should pray to be protected from temptation. Like the Apostle Paul , we are called to pray for certain things like to fulfil the will of God, to know the love of God, through the Holy Spirit our inner man be strengthened. As such we must pray to know God, to do His will, and to expand the kingdom of God. As we grow to pray for Godly things, our prayers will be more fruitful. Seek the kingdom of God first: then these also shall be given unto you. May our prayer be an instrument to be strengthened in God and to grow in the knowledge of Christ Jesus. When we indulge in such Godly things, we crave for the heavenly things, not the world we are in. Then, it will be comfortable to get ready to meet Jesus when He comes. Let us pray and be awake to be taken in the coming of the Lord.