The grandson of Queen Victoria who was the princess of England and the queen of Indian Sub continent for 63 years, and the son of Edward VII who was the emperor for 10 years, George V came to the throne in 1910 after the death of his father and he reigned very efficiently for 26 years. During his reign only the First World War took place and even the freedom fight in India got intense.
After his death, his elder son Edward VIII came to the throne in 1936. He never respected the law, and also had many bad habits. As he interfered in political affairs, many of the political leaders started worrying. Amidst of this, there came a big political crisis in England. Because according to the law of England, the King was not only the leader of the government, but also he was accepted as the leader of the Churches of England. So it was required that the leader of the Church should have “good moral disciplines”. This was written in the law book of the church and was accepted by everyone. But the king who came to the throne newly, Edward VIII wanted to marry “Vales Simson” who was a divorcee and was living with her second husband.
When the government of England and the Churches did not accept this marriage, even though the big political leaders like “Vincent Churchill” acted in favor of the king, they could not get the favor and support of the majority of the political leaders and the support of Australia and Canada which came under the rule of England.
During this time, the Prime minister “Stanley Baldwin” tried his best to convince the king to leave Mrs. Simson, and tried to protect the throne. If the marriage gets solemnized against the will of the Parliament, a very big political crisis might happen in England.
Amidst of all this, the king wanted to talk directly with the people of England and get their support. But the Prime Minister Baldwin did not accept this proposal. Instead, he insisted the king to decide whether it is his marriage or the throne according to his conscience.
The king also, during this dire situation, having no other way out, announced that he is resigning the throne. (In 1936 England saw three kings) Immediately his younger brother George V took over the throne and reigned over England for 16 years till 1952 very efficiently. During his reign only two very important historical events took place, Second World War and the freedom of India.
“If the Prime Minister Baldwin might have feared the king and forgot to do his duties, the country would have lost its glory and the freedom of India fight might have been a big question.
(It is a historical note that today’s queen of England is the Elder daughter of George VI and is ruling the country of England for 65 years from 1952. And she is the ruler for the longest period in the world.)
Even today leaders like “Stanley Baldwin”, who gave right advice to the king without fearing the king Edward VIII and protected the nation, people and the churches. When the leaders without backbone rise up the sin will rule over the nation. The Saints will be oppressed and God’s ministry will be greatly affected. May the Lord give us leaders like Ezra, and Nehemiah to our nation in our days and safe guard His flock!
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