This story spread among of the Jews

Few years back a good young man started coming to my father’s church, who was rejected by his own family for accepting our Lord.
He has many divine qualities. He has good desires to help everyone. Though he studied well, because of the situation he was working in his brother’s shop. There he has many struggles through his brother.
I never saw him. But upon my father’s request, I helped him by giving some money. He is very faithful too. He started a business in his sister’s house roof top and without my knowledge he added me as a partner and is living happily with it.
God blessed him. God gave him a good wife and children. When his family saw him being blessed by God, they accepted him into their family. His influence increased in church too.
In this situation, to give job opportunities to many youngsters we started a business, We bought a 3 lakhs loan from the bank.
While we do our business honestly by paying all taxes properly, the profit was very less. Same time our competitors, cheated the government in paying taxes and earned good profit. In a way, because of my honesty, that brother was not able to receive the returns for his hard work, lost all his investments and the debt increased and ended up in a situation to close the business.
Since the business is closed, we are not able to repay the loan which was received from the bank. In this situation, that friend went separately and started doing this business.
The bank was insisting on repaying the loan. Though I have a good job, since I am involved in many ministries, I was struggling to repay the monthly dues. Seeing this, many of my friends gave different advice to close the loan. But I denied all since it’s not suitable for a chrsitian to do.
In this situation, very intimate brothers of mine also started talking that I only cheated. Some people started to bring these comments to me and update my replies to others.
For me, more than being a slave of this bank loan, I am worried very much for many talking falsely about me.
In this situation, I got an unexpected promotion in my office and got a Rs 50,000 increment per month. God helped to close the loan easily. Also gave me grace to not do any evil, who did evil to me. God helped to have a good relationship with that brother till today.
Though I did many good things in that town, I am surprised that many believed the lie and left me. Also this reminded me that this is the way of all cross bears, like it happened for Jesus, though our Lord resurrected on the third day as he said, the lie of the guards of the grave was famous among the Jews (Mat 28:15).


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