Be Watchful and Pray
The important advice of Jesus to His disciples; Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation. Every day we face many problems and temptations. We need God’s grace and strength to overcome them. Then only we can overcome them. Our Lord Jesus Christ gave this advise to peter. But peter didn’t watch and pray. In the time of temptation, he doesn’t have strength to overcome. Let us learn. We should watch and pray and receive God’s grace to overcome temptations. We need to go to mercy seat boldly and ask “ I need grace to overcome the temptation”. God will come down and help.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. (Luke 21:36)
If we need to watch and pray for the daily temptations, then how much more to escape the for the tribulation which is going to come as a snare against all who dwell on the earth! Let us pray right now. Let us pray, for God to pour out His grace on us and save us. Let us pray as families. Let us pray as church. When we humble ourselves and pray, God will hear our prayers. He will give grace to prepare for His coming. He will give grace to overcome temptation. Only the grace of God will save you from temptation. Save from the tribulation which is going to come. God is merciful. He will have mercy on us. So let us watch and pray and prepare for His coming.
Be Watchful and Strengthen
Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God. (Rev3:2)
We are created in Christ to do good works for God. God has prepared them in advance. If we didn’t fulfil the works which God has appointed for us,It will grieve God. We go to church. We live for namesake. But not doing good works for God. There are so many good works. We can do ministry. We can help others. We can support others. Like this there are many good works. Are we doing these and pleasing God? But we received so many blessings and gifts from God. Are we using them for God’s glory, to edify others and for others good? The faith that works on love will be useful. God called us for this purpose only. So let us repent and pray and work according to the grace of God, for our works become perfect before God.
And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. (Rev22:12)
Jesus Christ come to reward us. So let us watchful and let us complete that works that are perfect before God and works that are God appointed for us. Jesus Christ coming soon.
Jesus comes like a thief
But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. (Mat 24:43)
Did anyone know when thief will come? Thief will never tell what time he will come. If the house owner knows that thief is coming, he will watch and guard the home. Jesus comes like a thief. Since we don’t know the time of His coming, let us be watchful.
Bible says, you are not the people of dark, for the day Jesus coming will catch you as a thief. If there is light at home, there is no fear about coming of thief. So, in order to meet Jesus in His coming, we must walk in light. We must be children of day.
So let us watchful. Let us walk as children of light. Then the coming of Jesus will not be like a thief, but a glorious day of meeting the bridegroom. So don’t tremble. If we are prepared, it’s a day of rejoicing. So let us earnestly watchful. Walk as children of light. Yes, Jesus Christ coming soon. Let us be prepared to meet Him. Amen.
Wishing to fly with Jesus?
In the year 1984,the Olympic games were conducted at the city of Los Angeles where Hollywood is located. The Olympic...