The great expectation of the dad

Written by Dr Ajantha Immanuel

December 24, 2021

He was a weak student in school. He was only half the size of his fellow classmates. But for his dad he wanted him to become a great football player.
When he joined high school he enrolled himself for football coaching. He didn’t even miss a single class of coaching. But yet he was not selected for his school football team. His dad came everyday to the ground to encourage him. His school days got over this way, not even playing a single game.
He had to move to another city for his higher education. He enrolled for football coaching there also. But no one wanted to have him in their football team. Seeing his focus and perseverance on practice his coach added his name in the team. Yet he was not qualified to play in the game. His dad called him over phone and encouraged him to go and watch all the games by sending him seasonal tickets. Throughout four years of his college life, he has never been one among the chosen eleven in any of the games.
It was almost the end of his college life, the time his team was getting ready for their last game – He received a telegram. It carried the news saying, “Your dad has passed away.”
His beloved dad who kept on encouraging him for all games of football had passed away without watching his son play a single game. He asked his coach,” Sir, Please give me leave for three days to practice for the coming game.” His coach replied, “Take two weeks leave and you need not come for the game.”
The last game was going on. His team had played badly and was on the verge of losing. He entered the stadium at that time and all were looking at him with surprise. He went to his coach and requested politely, “Please allow me to play today at least.” His coach also consented since it was a hopeless game.
He started playing skillfully. He was seen all over the ground. He was able to take few deft goals. In the end his collage team won. No one could believe. They all wondered how a person who never played a single game could have so much potential. Everyone showered praises on him. His coach was so pleased and asked him, “What is the secret of your performance today?”
He replied with tears, “Sir today is the first day my dad could see me playing. All these days he could only encourage me but not see me, but today he could see me but not encourage me. He is no more. So I played my best to make my loving and encouraging dad happy. That was the specialty of my game.” All these days no one knew that his dad was born blind. Hearing this everyone’s eyes filled with tears.
Beloved readers, our God is also watching us, encouraging us and guiding us in our life. He never leaves us or forsakes us. When we have such a loving father how much more we need to perform well in our race of life.
All our beloved heavenly father needs from us is to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15


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