Second coming of Jesus and His power

He will rule over the house of jacob forever,and his kingdom will never end (Luk 1:33)

The Kingdom of Jesus Christ will never end.Jesus Christ came to establish God’s kingdom. First God’s kingdom is established in the heart’s of men. The heart of the man who accepted Jesus Christ,will become the heart of righteousness,heart of peace,heart of divine joys because of the holy spirit. This is the  sign of God’s kingdom in the heart of man who accepts Jesus Christ. The man who accepts Jesus Christ becomes the child of God. All children of God become the citizens of the kingdom of beloved son Jesus Christ, with all saints. All who accepted Jesus Christ belong to God’s kingdom. Jesus Christ said during his first coming that His kingdom does not belong to this world. Yes,in the first coming Jesus didn’t come to establish his kingdom on this earth. But to establish God’s kingdom in the heart of men. But when time is fulfilled, He will come to establish God’s kingdom on earth. His disciples asked Jesus during his ascension,will you hand over the kingdom to Israel now?. The times and seasons in God’s plan are not for you to know,Jesus answered. That means in God’s hand there is an appointed season for it. When the time is fulfilled,Jesus Christ will come as king of Israel,king of peace,king of the whole earth. Yes,Jesus Christ will come as king of kings.

Jesus Christ, king of the whole earth

It is written in Psalms,books of prophets that Jesus Christ will be king of the whole earth. People of Israel believed the Messiah would come as a king to rule them. Jesus Christ came as a savior,who gives life to sinners.People of Israel are unable to understand Jesus Christ, the Messiah. They didn’t accept Him.But as promised to people of Israel Jesus Christ will come as a king. Not only for Israel but He will become king for the whole earth. 

“I have installed my king on Zion, my holy mountain.”…Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.” Psa 2:6,8

“For God is the King of all the earth; sing to him a psalm of praise.” – Psa 47:7

The above said verses make it clear that Jesus Christ is the king over the whole earth.Not only these,in Psalms and book of prophets in many places it is mentioned as Jesus Christ is king of the whole earth. According to the scriptures,Jesus Christ will rule over the earth.There are promises for the people of Israel about the ruling of the Messiah. We believers who accepted Jesus Christ are also waiting for Him to reveal as king of kings. Jesus Christ will reign on earth for a thousand years.


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