Suddenly something caught my attention. A big ant was busy running on the ground but a spider was intercepting it and started attacking. But, as I looked, I could see the ant also fighting for its part. When the fight was getting intense, suddenly the spider stopped the attack and started to drag the ant with its leg.
On one side, the attack was going on a much slower pace but on the other side, the drag was quite intense. The ant was unable to ward off the severe attack which was now coming on two fronts. I was wondering where the spider was planning to take the ant! Yes, the spider was slowly dragging the ant on to a spider web located just a little higher from the ground! Slowly but cleverly, the spider had succeeded in getting the ant entangled in the web!
Then the spider stopped the fight and was sitting there quietly. By now the ant was spending all its energy in trying to get out of the web. But the spider was alternating between attacking the ant for some time and then waiting quietly for some time.
The ant which had spent all its energy in trying to escape was totally exhausted now. Soon it lost its life unable to withstand the spider’s attack. The spider was just waiting for this hour and started enjoying the feast of an ant! Yes, the ant which had tremendous strength while on the ground had become weak and defenseless once it got caught in the web!
Satan’s first trick is to get you away from God’s fellowship! When there is a sag in your relationship with God, your inner man will lose his strength. The enemy would take advantage of this and push you into sin. Once the soul gets caught in the web of sin, Satan will not be in a hurry to kill you but rather enjoy the kill slowly and surely and feast on your soul!
My dear young brothers and sisters, please do not ignore any occasion which would help you to nurture your relationship with God! As long as you hold fast to God, no one or nothing can shake you! Revive yourself in the Lord! Start bending your knees once again! Pray and inherit your victory!
Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light. (Micah 7:8)