“Rechabite’s Family”

Written by Pr Thomas Walker

March 9, 2019

Beloved God’s children in Christ,

Rechabite’s family was an exemplary family kept by God in Judah during the days of Jeremiah. This family was different from all the families of Judah in those days. It doesn’t seem that they were much worried about that. Today, the greatest problem in the Christian families is, how can we live a distinct life. Those who live a distinct life forever pay a great price for that.

Joseph, who was not like other Egyptian young boys, and runaway from sexual immorality had to pay a big price. But, it was for his good. “Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego” who denied to follow other people in Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom and stood apart were thrown into the fiery furnace which was heated up seven times. But they were the people who came victorious. Likewise, in every age, there were people and families who stood apart for God. They will for no reason get along with the world.

Even though Balak told that even if you give me a house full of gold and silver, I cannot go against God for a small thing or a big thing, even then he went against God. We are living the days where people like Balaam who wants to please the world are increasing. There was no use even after a mute animal spoke and stopped him. In this situation, there is a small group of people who stand apart distinctively, no matter whatever may come against them. That group is indeed small. But the eyes of the Lord which runs to and fro throughout the whole earth did not miss to see them.

When the people went in exile to Babylon, a small group of people stood firmly for God. Even though God sent His servants to the people of Judah, neither did they give heed to them, nor did they obey them. The Rechabites were kept as examples before those people. Before that, the Rechabites overcame the trial which happened to them.

In those days, Jeremiah was a big prophet. God’s word was with him. He went to the Rechabite’s house in search of them. And he spoke with them. Then he took them to a room in the House of the Lord. The chamber which was allotted for them was beside the chamber of the princes. That camber belonged to a servant of God. Such trials may come to us to examine us to see whether we stand firm in the decision which we took in the Lord.

Dear brothers and sisters, this trial came through a great prophet only. Moreover that trial came in the God’s servant’s chamber in the House of the Lord. Today, many God’s people’s decision breaks not because of sinful man or sinful place. We should clearly understand this.

The Rechabites came into the chamber, but the shining vessels and the wine did not attract them. Even though the prophet told them to drink, they did not obey. The thing which stood before them was neither the vessels of wine not the great prophet, but the command of their father only. It was not a sin for the Israelites to drink wine. It was a drink used very commonly in their houses. But it was commanded to the sons of Rechab to be away from the wine.

Not only that, it was commanded to them that they should not build houses for them, or sow seeds, or plant vineyards and they should live in tents all the days of their life, and they followed that command. We cannot say that everyone will be led to take the same decision. But we should not break any decision which we take as God leads us.

Today many God’s people are breaking the decisions which they take in the Lord. Our decision should be firm that no power can shake it. Even though there is none to stand along with us, or even if we are left alone, let us be bold enough to say that we will walk according to the God’s word and testify our God. God’s eyes are looking at such people.


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