Man tries to bundle up his present realities in a bed sheet and store it up in a room called “The Past ”. Now and then he peeps into the room to indulge in his sweet memories of the past and then leaves them there and comes out to live in the present day reality. Some who don’t want to remember certain memories get themselves drunk and try to keep those unwanted.
Yes, Man who has been able to invent atom bombs to destroy the whole world within seconds has not been able to find a way to erase his memories! Memories are a part of human soul and since the soul is God’s own invention, man is unable to venture into that territory.
Luke 16 tells us about the rich man and Lazarus. When they died the poor man Lazarus is taken to Abraham’s bosom and the rich man is taken to hell. The rich man is in deep distress unable to face the agonies of hell life. So he asks Abraham to send Lazarus back to the earth as a witness to his five brothers so that they would be warned and not end up in hell.
My dear young brother/ sister, this incident makes it clear to us that our joy, our, sorrows and our memories are not going to end with our earthly life!
If someone can have memories of this life even when he has gone to the Hades, even when he is in much pain in hell, then we can understand a secret. The soul which was undergoing much suffering in hell keeps thinking about its brothers living on the earth. Yes, the soul of the rich man who was living in all his glory while on earth is now agonizing in hell!
You are standing in the last minutes of the Last Days. It’s time for you to consider about your everlasting life. If you don’t repent today, maybe you will have to remember this article when you have ended up in hell, Who knows?!
“Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is near.” (Matthew 4:17)