Mega quiz – Gospel of Luke Load QuizSave Quiz Welcome to your Mega quiz - Gospel of Luke Here is a opportunity to test your Bible Knowledge! A certificate will be provided,if you score above 60 points. If you like to get certificate,please provide your name and email ID at the end of the quiz 1. At the hour of incense, what, the whole multitude of the people was doing? Bible reading praying eating talking None Hint 2. What is the name of the angel who brings glad tidings? Michael Cherubim Seraphim Gabriel None 3. Who has done great things for me(mary)? Jesus Christ Lord glorious one one who is mighty None Hint 4. How many months, Mary remained with Elizabeth? About 6 months about 3 months 2 months 3 days None Hint 5. When, the child should be circumcised? 8th day 9th day 10th day 13th day None Hint 6. Who was the one who was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel? John Zechariah Simeon Jesus None Hint 7. Who served God with fasting and prayers night and day? Elizabeth Anna Mary Phanvel None 8. Who wrote the decree that all the world should be registered? Caesar Augustus Caesar glaudius Herod Pilate None 9. Where, they sought for Jesus? Friends crowd temple of God relatives, acquaintees None 10. Where, the tree, which does not bear good fruits, will be cut down and thrown? Hell fire garbage under the tree None 11. Who will baptize with Holy Spirit and fire? Father mightier than I John,the Baptist Teacher None 12. Who is tetrarch? Erastus Pilate Herod Caesar Augustus None 13. Who is the son of God? Seth Abel Adam Lamech None 14. Spirit of God anointed Me to preach the gospel to whom? Son of Abraham poor rich sinners None 15. How was the words proceeded out of His mouth? Good slow gracious wise None 16. Who will not be accepted in his own country? Righteous prophet godly goodman None 17. For preaching the kingdom of God, Jesus Christ have been ————— Sent pushed ordered blessed None 18. Who told, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!”? John James Levi Simeon None 19. Which disciple gave a great feast? Levi John James Peter None 20. Whom, Jesus has come, to call? Righteous holy one injustice sinners None 21. “We have seen ———— things today”. many mighty strange glorious None 22. How, Jesus called the twelve, whom He chosed? Disciples apostles well trained holy ones None 23. Who will love those who love them? Friends brothers enemies sinner None 24. What mouth speaks? What heart thinks abundance of the heart good one word of God None 25. To whom, Jesus Christ told to do good? One who hate enemies servants of God holy one None 26. From which city is centurion? Capernaum Tyre Sidon Bethany None 27. “I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel”. Widow paralyzed rich man centurion None 28. “A great prophet has risen up among us”. Galatians people from asia people from galilee people of nain None 29. Who rejected the will of God for themselves? Pharisees Sadducees Pharisees, lawyers lawyers None 30. “but this woman has not ceased to kiss my feet”. Widow anna Mary sinful woman None 31. To whom shall be given? Doesnot have has poor those who suffer None 32. Which country people asked Him to depart from them? Galilaee Capernaum gadarenes Samaria None 33. “Daughter, be of good cheer; your faith has made you well. Go in peace” Widow in nain widow in zarephath serving with riches women having flow of blood None 34. Who was the ruler of the synangogue who fell down at Jesus’ feet? Jairus Jason Lazarus Paul None 35. “Little girl, arise” Lydia Dorcas twelve year daughter thirteen year daughter None 36. How many baskets of the leftover fragments were taken? 6 baskets 9 baskets 10 baskets 12 baskets None 37. “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up ———— daily and follow Me?” Bible his cross meditate on order praise None 38. For what, there is no place to lay for son of God? Body neck head shoulder None 39. “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for ———— Heaven kingdom of God kingdom of father kingdom of loving son None 40. What was altered , when Jesus prayed? Appearance of His face body eyes changed His behaviour None 41. Which place was exalted to Heaven? Tyre Capernaum Sidon Bethsaida None 42. Rejoice, because your names are written where? House of God Jerusalem heaven Zion None 43. To whom things are hidden and revealed to babes? Wise and father wise and preacher wise and talent wise and prudent None 44. Who sat at Jesus’s feet and heard His word? Mary Martha Lazarus Manassaeh, ephrahim None 45. Who choose the good part which will not be taken away? Martha mary Levites priest None 46. Through which Jesus cast out demons? Finger of God word of God Spirit truth None 47. Who came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon? Diviner wisemen queen of south people None 48. What is the lamp of the body? Mouth ear heart eye None 49. When all things are clean? Wash give alms become holy sanctify None 50. Who took away the key of knowledge? Lawyer Pharisees sadduccees priest None 51. Which is more important than food? Body life eye Heart None 52. To whom we should fear? suffering people leader head power to cast into hell None 53. Where your heart will be? Body temple of God where your treasure is one whom you like None 54. “When you see the south wind blow, you say, ”There will be ————" Hot weather cool climate heavy wind happiness None 55. How many were killed when the tower in siloam fell? 19 20 21 18 None 56. How many years, the spirit of infirmity made a women bent over and could in no way raise herself up? 18 years 19 years 15 years 14 years None 57. Through which way, we should strive to enter? Broad gate narrow gate long gate beautiful gate None 58. Which tree didn’t give fruit for 3 years in vineyard? Vine pomegranate fig tree chestnut tree None 59. Whom should we invite to feast so that you shall be repaid at the resurrection of the just? Poor,maimed,lame,blind poor humble suffering from need None 60. How many chapters are there in Luke? 24 25 26 27 None 61. Where there will be more joy over one sinner who repents? Heaven desert among friends home nearby None 62. “Father, I have sinned ———— heaven, and ———— your sight. " In,against against, in after,long middle, against None 63. Where was his older son? Garden forest field harvest None 64. What, father told to kill and eat and be merry? Ox raven goat fatted calf None 65. How much was forgiven for the one debt for hundred measure of oil? 50 80 40 30 None 66. Who is very shrewd? Sons of light children of Jesus sons of this world sons of satan None 67. Who are lovers of money? Tax collector saducees Pharisees richman None 68. What, among men, is an abomination in the sight of God? Highly esteemed lovers of money live according to laws defile one None 69. Where, rich man was tormented? Hell lake of fire flame hades None 70. If you have faith as a mustard seed, which tree will obey? Neem tree Bodhi tree tamarind tree mulberry tree None 71. Who returned to give glory to God? Philistines people in Jerusalem Samaritan Judea None 72. “Be ———— by this generation” Rejected not needed weak son of carpenter None 73. "Remember ————" Abraham forefather grateful lot’s wife None 74. Who fast twice a week, give tithes? Tax collector Pharisee saducees true believers None 75. Who become righteous by beating his breast and praying? Judge saducees tax collector Pharisees None 76. Who is this –“he also is a son of Abraham”? Isaac Ishmael Meveposath Zacchaeus None 77. “to everyone who has ———— “ Will be given will not be given will be forbidden measure and given None 78. From which village, was a colt on which no one has ever sat was brought? Galilee samaria Judea bethphage None 79. For which city, Jesus saw and wept? Judea Jerusalem Israel Capernaum None 80. “My house is a ———— “ Gate of Lord gate of Heaven house of prayer house of comfort None 81. Who pretended to be righteous? Spies high priest Pharisees saducees None 82. Who deny the fact that there is resurrection? Pharisees saducees scribes high priest None 83. Who , for a pretence, make long prayers? Spies scribes Pharisees saducees None 84. “For he is not a God of the dead, but of the ———— “. Witness alive living weak None 85. What, persecuting you shall turn into? For a good for a testimony for those who love weak None 86. What shall not passaway? Heaven earth my words my commandments None 87. What you should do to stand before the son of man? Pray always read bible be unite and with fire watch ye and pray always None 88. Into whom satan entered? Peter James judas john None 89. How should we pray inorder to not enter into temptation? Watch always rise struggle None 90. Being in an agony, how Jesus prayed? More earnestly more joyful watchful alone None 91. Among whom he was numbered? Saints transgressors sinners disciples None 92. Which fell down to the ground like great drops of blood? Wound injury hurt sweat None 93. Previous enemy, now became friends. Who are they? Esau,Jacob moses, pharoah Abraham, lot herod, pilate None 94. Upon whom they laid the cross to bear it? Simon peter Joseph Jacob None 95. What happened over all the earth from sixth hour until the ninth hour? Dark light shined darkness earth shaken None 96. Whom they seek among the dead? The living One who is pleading dead and resting who are alive None 97. In which, Jesus of Nazareth, the prophet, was mighty? Doing miracles deed and word doing signs healing and chasing devil None 98. For whom the gospel of luke was written? Theophilus luke Jesus apostles None 99. What Jesus told, standing in the midst of them? Peace be unto you bless thee I’m alive be not dismay None 100. What they did continually in the temple? Pray preach praising and blessing heal None Name Email Time's up