Peace Bridge

Written by Dr Ajantha Immanuel

January 22, 2022

Two brothers had lived in a village. Their agricultural lands were adjacently located. More than forty years, these two brothers had been using agricultural machineries and tools, which were kept in common.
There came a disruption to their unity. Due to difference of opinion, they had to part ways from each other. Younger brother dug a big channel between those two agricultural lands and also had kept all common agricultural machineries for himself. Because of this, the elder brother was very much grieved.
One morning, someone had knocked the door of the elder brother. As he opened the door, he found a carpenter who requested “Sir, please give me some work”. The elder brother took the carpenter to his agricultural land and told him “Till the last week, I and my brother lived together in unity, now, due to difference of opinion, we had parted our ways. He dug a channel between our agricultural lands. This had greatly grieved my heart. As I do not want to see his land, install an eight feet height fence.”The carpenter also agreed to do so.
On entrusting fencing work to the carpenter, the elder brother was out of station for few days. The carpenter had started the work entrusted to him. On his return, the elder brother went to the work spot. He was shocked to witness a scene there. There he did not see the eight feet fence. But, he had seen a well constructed beautiful bridge connecting those two lands. On the other end of the bridge, the younger brother was standing. The elder brother who had walked to the middle of the bridge and the younger brother shook their hands with tears.
The elder brother holding the hands of the carpenter requested “You stay with us. We would give you work”. However, the carpenter told “I had to build many such bridges” and bid farewell to them.
Dear readers of this incident! Today, we do witness absence of peace in families and society. We read in Mathew 5:9 that “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” As we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ-the prince of peace, such as the carpenter, let us take initiative to build many such peace bridges!


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