A woman dressed in a faded colored dress and a man clothed with a very ordinary old dress tried to enter the Principal’s room without prior appointment in a popular educational institution in America. The office secretary saw them and told them in angry voice that, “our Principal is always busy”. That couple very calmly replied, “We will wait for him”.
The secretary made them wait for long hours thinking that they will leave. But the couple didn’t leave, but waited patiently. Finally the secretary permitted them to meet the Principal. The Principal was shocked to see the couple clothed in rags. The lady started speaking, “When my son was studying in this College, he died in an accident. He was very happy during his college days. So I and my husband want to keep a memorial inside the college campus”.
As the Principal heard these words, he was shocked and told, if we start keeping memorials for every student who studied here and died, the College will look like a cemetery. The lady crossed the Principal’s words and told,” No, no, we are thinking to construct a building for the college as a memorial of our son”.
The principal got amazed saying, a building! On seeing the couple in rags he told, it will cost 10 million dollars (50 Crore rupees). The lady became silent. The principal thought that it is a good chance to get rid of this couple.
The lady saw her husband and told, “if it costs just this much for construct a building, why can’t we start a college ourselves”. Her husband nodded his head in acceptance.
That couple was Leyland Stanford couple. They went from there and started a college which later became the famous Stanford University.
“For the Lord sees not as man sees, for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart”. (1 Samuel 16:7)
Dear ones, God is powerful to do great things through you also.
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