Parents of kayo belongs to noble family in France. She was left in the convent at the age of two and a half. At the age of four, when Montbosan lady kept her with him, Kayo had a vision of the suffering of the unrepentant. From then on he counted as having to die as a blood witness for Christ. As a 10-year-old girl, she spent some time at the Dominican monastery and on Ursula Training Road. There Mayo found a Bible that someone had left behind. She eagerly read day and night, memorizing important passages.
She came to her own home at the age of fourteen. She was seen as a beautiful woman. Mother bought beautiful clothes to her. Kayo’s obsession with Christ faded. Worldly affairs took over Kayo. At this moment one of Kayo’s tribe came to meet kayo’s parents on his way to China as a missionary. Kayo cried on thinking about her. Her mistakes looks big to her. From that onward, she tried to obtain peace and obtain forgiveness from the sinners, and help the poor and read bible more and pray, by the faith upon the Christ. She learned the parable of the Christ written by Thomas campus.
Parents of kayo settled in Paris. There, a Richman named Zacchaeus liked to marry kayo, her parents gave kayo in marriage to him. On age of 16, she lived with a husband with disease. Many tribulations came. Her mother-in-law was a stone hearted women. She thought that God had left him in a cave of suffering for the good of the soul. She will be with Jesus all time.
Sufferings came continuously. Major part of their belonging were loss. Problems by mother-in-law increased. The mother died. Next the sister died. Thus she depended on God in the midst of many sufferings. A monk of the heirs of St. Francis met with kayo and talked about accepting Christ by faith and lively faith and God’s love gripped her. The heart was completely transformed. Realizing that Christ dwelt in her heart, Kayo discovered the salvation of Christ in her 20s. The ointment of divine love enriched her. There was a complete change. She then learned to be pleased with God if she became accustomed to prayer. She found prayer very pleasurable. Subsequently the death of her son and husband made her very sad.
She sought the advice of a guru named Wakom and fasted and prayed. She got a new experience. She received the indescribable joy of receiving the fullness of the Holy Spirit. The will of self, except the will of God, was shattered. She received complete liberation. She was filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. She led many to God, showing salvation and holiness to all who came to her, and multitude of peace was coming to see her.
The Prime Minister of Paris, Pennon, entered into a profound experience with the powerful prayers of kayo. Everywhere minds were headed to lead a holy life. The monks protested. The 14th louis king imprisoned kayo with the intention of suppressing and destroying him. Her enemies tried to poison and kill her. Although she survived, she spent 7 years in prison with disease. she was temporarily released from prison after writing several books. She then published her books. Revival occurred in many countries of Europe and France. She was imprisoned again. He was then deported. She died with perfect peace, faithfully sowing to God until death.