The Lord is pleased to bless His children. God takes ordinary people and transforms them and lifts them up so high in a supernatural way. God wants to bless this whole world through His children. God has called us to be light and salt of the earth and by blessing us and through us. He wants to bless the others who are not in the fold. Because of His Children in many places darkness leaves and light comes in that region and many who are bound in darkness and death are set free.
God preserves His Children like an apples of His eye. Therefore no body can curse us, and God’s Children can never be cursed and His children will never be ashamed. When the Israelites were in Egypt. They had a bitter life. They were in tears, pain and bondages. But God heard their cry, it reached His presence.
God blessed the Israelites and led them unto His holy habitation. In Num.24:1 God is pleased to bless the Israel. This Baalam found and he procalaims that the Israelites will be blessed and the others will be uprooted in this land. God never allowed Baalam to curse the children of Israel. Instead many kings, prophets, preists and Lords (Noble) people came out of Israel.
Let us see how the Lord leads unto Holiness and blesses His children.
1st to prepare them unto Holiness. He sends a minister (servant)
- To Prepare them unto Holiness, He sends a minister (Servant):
Exo.3:1-10 The Lord chooses Moses and sends him to deliver the children of Israel. Out of the Land of Egypt. Through much difficulties and the Egyptians had to face 10 plagues in order to see the hand of God upon them. The children of Israel many times did not believe in Moses they murmured against him even now. God does miracles through His servants and make them to believe in God and helps them to lead a holy life. - Salvation through Pascal lamb:
In Exo.12:1-26, The Lord sent an Angel of death to the Egyptian houses whereas the Israelites were protected by the blood of the Lamb. This is how they were able to escape curse. These who are redeemed, cleansed by the blood of Lord Jesus Christ can be delivered from curse, sin. For the blood of Lord Jesus Christ redeems us from all unrighteousness. For the blessings of God we should have the assurance of forgiveness from sin. - The Israelites were led through the crossing of Red Sea:
Baptism is essential. In 1Corinth.10:1,2 Our forefathers were under the cloud in the wilderness, and crossed the red sea. They were baptized by crossing the red sea under Moses Leadership. God’s children need to be washed through the baptism for the redemption of our sin. This is the sign of the covenant to receive the Blessing of our God.
We have to give more importance to God’s word and baptism and observe the passover many kings, leaders, preists. Lords, Rulers and Popes observed it. Whereas General William Booth did not give importance to Baptism and communion. We should no change the Ordinances of God. - We should abide by the Laws of God:
In Hosea 8:12 I have written for him the great things of My law, But they were considered a strange thing. and in Ps.1:2 When a man delights in the Law of the Lord and meditates on it day & night. He will be blessed. God gave his laws through Moses on the mountains of Sinai. It was hand written by God himself. When we abide in His laws we will be blessed. - Be the Covenant people:
In Heb.9:19-20 After giving the commandment to follow as per Moses law. The blood of goats and bulls. Were taken in Hysop and Sprinklied on the Holy covenant book and on the people, and said that this is the covenant. Made through the blood we become the people of covenant through the blood of Jesus Christ. - Obey the counsel of the Lord and start your Journey:
Num.13:32 – Likewise they spread the wrong report. They lost their faith and fear griped them that they thought we cannot enter Caanan. They did not Obey God counsel, where they should reach in 2 years it took 40 years, becuse they could not hear God’s voice and believe in His words. According to Num.14:32 when all the disobedient died after 38 years. Num.14:31 without murmuring. Obey the commands of God. There you can go forward and be blessed. - Live a Life of Testimony:
Enoch walked with God for 300 years out of 365 years of His life. He was always filled with Love of god. Let the Love of God multiply in our lives. Let us preserve our garments from any stain and hope for His second coming. According to Heb.11:5 Since the Lord had taken him he was not to be found and he had a good testimony from the Lord.
Dearly Beloved, Let us receive the blessings from our Lord Jesus Christ by repentance. Baptism, and keeping the covenant relationship with Him. Receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit stay in the fire. Presence the word of God spoken to you obey it and start your ministrial journey. Preach the Gospel, lead a life of Holiness with a testimony. The Lord who blessed Israel let Him continue to bless you and exact you. Amen.