Few days back, I was I was waiting for the Chennai flight at the Delhi airport. On that day, the flight was delayed. Due to this the airport was very much crowded.
In this situation, a man was quietly reading the book of Hosea in his mobile. That was a Catholic Bible.
I was overwhelmed. So I went and sat near him and started talking with him. He told me that he lives in Pallavaram area, and was proud to say that he was a sincere member of the Catholic Church there.
As he was working in a Software company, he used to come to Delhi very often. He was zealous about going to Church and reading the Bible.
I told him, the greatness of the Christianity is the experience of new life and the forgiveness of our sins when we confess our sins to God. Moreover “forgiveness of sins” is received only through Jesus Christ. Because “Only Jesus Christ” shed his own blood and paid the price for the redemption of mankind and won Satan and rose again”.
And he replied, Sir, it is wrong to say like that. Just like Jesus Christ is for us, the same way in every religion different ways are there to go to heaven and to receive the forgiveness of sins.
In reply I showed him the verse where Jesus said, “I am the way, the life, and the truth. No man comes to the father, but by me.”
But he said, Jesus Christ told this for the Christians. There might be different way for the other religion people. And he argued with me telling, it is wrong to say that Jesus Christ is the only way for the mankind.
I felt very sad. I got frustrated thinking, if a man who is zealous about going to church and read the Bible stumble like this, how will a common man who doesn’t know Christ will be.
In between as I reached Chennai, I took a taxi from the airport to my home. The taxi driver was also a Catholic Christian. I told the driver about the man I met at the Delhi airport and his belief that there is alternative way without Jesus Christ for salvation and asked for his opinion.
The driver also immediately replied that he also accepts that thought. The enemy has brought in the policy of “every religion is equal” inside the Christianity as well. And he is trying to destroy the greatness of Christianity.
Let us proclaim loudly that, “Jesus is the only way” all over the Nation, and let the Nation know Jesus Christ.
Wishing to fly with Jesus?
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