Jesus Christ will come as King of Jerusalem

“Yet I have chosen Jerusalem, that my name may be there, and I have chosen David to be over my people Israel” (2 Chronicles 6:6)
God choosed Jerusalem. God choosed Jerusalem so that His name may be there. Through, us, the children of God, He make the name of Jesus Christ to be there, and make to glorify Lord. Likewise, in this world, He choosed one place. What is the speciality of Jerusalem in this earth? Let us meditate on how and in what manner it is special.
Jew’s Church in Jerusalem
King David desired to build a temple for Lord, the god of Israel. But, Lord replied to him that I will make your son who come from your body to rise, and I will establish his Kingdom. He shall build the temple for my name. Likewise, Solomon built a special temple for Lord. After building the temple he dedicated it. He offered burnt offering. Solomon prayed from inside his depths of the heart. When he finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices. And the glory of the Lord filled the temple.
“And the priests could not enter the house of the Lord, because the glory of the Lord had filled the Lord’s house” (2Chron.7:2). Glory of the Lord was in the temple. God gold that He will give ear to prayers offered there. Days pass on. People of Israel left god and went away. God gave Jerusalem in the hands of Babylon. God’s temple was destroyed. People in Jerusalem went as slaves to Babylon.
The chosen Jerusalem, when they went away from God, worshiping foreign idols, Jerusalem went captive. Glory of Lord left from the temple. Temple were destroyed. Dear beloved! let us surrender ourself holy and offer your bodies as living sacrifice. So that Lord’s glory may dwell in us. Then, Lord’s glory will fill us in the name of Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit will be filled in us and use us mightily.
Jerusalem is a bridge to us. The captives who went from Jerusalem to Babylon, cried thinking about Jerusalem. They were very eager. When Jerusalem will be built. They were longing for the period, when their captivity period ends. Though, God was angry upon them, He was compassionate on them. He helped to Jerusalem to be rebuilt. He changed their captivity. Lord is full of compassion and mercy. He will never leave His children. Amen!

Jerusalem and prayer of Daniel
In Order to Jerusalem be rebuilt, Daniel confessed his sins and people of Jerusalem’s sin and he prayed a prayer of intercession. Then, the period on when the Jerusalem will be built, period on when Messiah, the Jesus going to die in Jerusalem for the people and last days news were also revealed. While Daniel were praying itself, angel of God revealed the secret to him.
“Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem until Messiah the prince, There shall be seven weeks and sixty two weeks; The street shall be built again, and the wall, Even in trouble some times” (Daniel 9:25)
Here represents the period on when the Jerusalem will be rebuilt and the period on when Jesus Christ going to die at the cross. When we calculate the period, we may have normal question on from where should we start. From the days of when it is commanded to restore and build Jerusalem, there shall be after 7 weeks and after 7X7=49 years Jerusalem will be rebuilt. That is, let us calculate one day as one year. It happened as it is.
After that, after 62 weeks, that is after 434 years, it is said that Jesus Christ will give, His life in Jerusalem. So, when the Jerusalem will be rebuilt, when our Lord Jesus Christ will give His life for us in Jerusalem has been planned first itself by God. Not only that, through Daniel He informed this plan to Israelites. Is it a surprise for you! Our God is a God who will do everything planned. How Daniel came to know about the secrets of God, you also be silent. God will talk with you. Let us wait for Lord. Let God who talked with Daniel talk with you also.


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