I was residing in kodambakkam, Chennai from the year 1990 to 1995. And I was working in a factory ,where I used to have my breakfast and lunch ,and dinner in hotels near kodambakam. I met many youngsters in the night time hotels . Amongst them, many engaged themselves in Cine field. Few were working in it already as Musicians, Dancers , Lyricist , Cinematographers, Editors and few were trying for it.
Among them, Many left their native places, lost money and happiness for the sake of exposing their talents. I’ve also seen them working hard , day and night . Amongst them, many are well educated they would have tried for better government jobs. But , their interest towards art, created an attitude that “Proving their talent to the world is sufficient”. Many were not married too,neither have proper place to stay nor eat good food. But they were longing hardly to become ‘world renowned artists’.
Many were not given chances in cinemas till the end , few have tried acting in cinemas but all went in vain without reaching the big screen. Only one in 100, have got the chance to be in the cine field. I have seen them feeling excited, after seeing their names at least once in the big screen and also held a thought that, “They have attained the benefit of their birth”. I have also seen them jumping out of joy, as if they have got thousands and thousands of crores after seeing their names on the screen. All these are worldly illusions, impermanent worldly happiness. To get all these impermanent happiness, numerous people lost and still many are losing their skills, talents, adolescent years , happiness, money future and so on. But our mighty God.. is not one who vanish away like big screen. To last forever in the generation after generation, ages after ages, he stands and knocks at the “ Door steps of our hearts” to write our names in “ The book of life”.
Many are not aware of it, in case if these youngsters were aware of it , they might have used their talents for the great service of God and helped many to reach God, so that their names can be written in the book of llife.Another bitter truth is that many are not thoughtful, whether their names has been written in the book of life or not. And children of God whose names has been written in the book of life, does not use their talent or life to serve God.
In this world we have seen youngsters surrendering their entire life to see their names once in the big screen. But how much we should endure the hardship for our Lord God, who promised us the eternal life and rejoice in writing the names of each one of us in the book of life.
Let us spend our talents and skills for God!
“Rejoice, because your names are written in heaven” Luke 10:20- Jesus