The month of December means the month of giving. The month which shows the love of Jesus Christ.
Through the liberal offering given by all the dear ones of our Movement, God enabled us to send a small offering as Christmas gift to all the poor missionaries in the mission fields. While some sponsors were not able to give much, God graciously enabled us to gather the funds which we received from others and send to their missionaries also an equal part. In the coming years, may the Lord help us to do more than this!
Believers and Pastors from various churches sent old and new clothes to Odisha mission fields and helped us to clothe the poor believers there. Clothes were sent for around 20,000 people. The needs are
much more. The following believers, Pastors and their churches sent the clothes in December…
Tiruppur AG Church Pastor, Rev. B.A. Paramanandham and his church, Kumbakonam, Little Flock Prayer Fellowship Pastor, Rev. C. Matthew and his church, Chennai Bethesda Mission Church Pastor, Rev. Sunitha Daniel Raj and Church, Madurai Beraccah AG Church Pastor Rev. C.S. James and church, Rev. Corban Singh and church, Mrs. Vasantha Rajasekaran and the believers families in Chennai collected the clothes and send them to Odisha mission fields and glorified God. Still many more people are suffering without proper clothes during this winter in Punjab, Haryana and Odisha. Still thousands of people (Rag Pickers) are suffering for their daily life in Sirsa region in Haryana.
Please collect old, new clothes and extra non-usable vessels and utensils from your houses and your
friends’ houses and send us for these poor downtrodden people.
God will bless you abundantly in this New Year.
To give your bread to the hungry
To bring the poor that are cast out to your house
When you see a naked, you cover him
You hide not yourself from your own flesh, is it not the kind of Fast that I have chosen.
“Then thou shall call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shall cry, and he shall say, Here I am”.
May the Lord enable us to mend our ways so that He can hear us when we call upon Him!