“I cannot come”

Written by Pr Thomas Walker

April 9, 2019

Beloved God’s children in Christ,

“I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down: why should the work cease, while I leave it, and come down to you?” (Nehemiah 6:3)
We should be careful about the powers which hinder Nehemiahs who are engaged in spiritual works. Satan is indulged in diverting the Nehemiahs from their purposes. Important work – Respectful work:
Today, many people do not realize that they have gone away from their goal and work. If we do not want to be diverted, we should realize the importance of our work and its dignity.

Samson who did not realize the dignity:
Samson, who should sit in the judgment throne and give justice, forgot the dignity of his work and went to Timnath, Gaza and the valley of Sorek instead. (Judges 14:1; 16:1, 4)
Servants of God should keep their boundaries. They should not go other places when they get an opportunity. They should go only if God permits them.
Samson did not realize the dignity and value of his calling. What a pathetic condition!
Just like Nehemiah, Samson did not tell that I am a Judge; I cannot leave my place and position and come down!
Gehazi who did not realize the dignity:
Gehazi was to become heir of Elisha who had double fold gifts and stood on behalf of God. But he did not have the glorious vision which was kept before him. He wanted to gather wealth. Following that, he even went down to the lowest state. “One day Elijah ran ahead of Ahab’s chariot, but Gehazi ran after Naaman’s chariot”.
Teaching? Or Serving tables?:
In the early church during the time of Apostles, when their concentration turned towards serving tables instead of ministry and teaching God’s word, they realized the importance and value of their ministry and said, “But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the Word”. (Acts 6:2, 4)
In other words, they did not step down from the ministry to serve the tables. Hallelujah!
Today, many…:
In recent times, some good servants of God did not realize the importance and dignity of their ministry and have left praying and teaching God’s word and have gone to run orphanages. They have left the first place which God gave them.
They thought that they can do both works. They thought that the second work will support their first work. But now, they are not able to do both the works correctly! Is not the God’s calling for ministry?
Nehemiah’s resolution:
The enemies used provoking words to divert Nehemiah’s attention and despise him as he stood firm in God’s calling. They said, “Will you rebel against the king?” (Nehemiah 2:19). But Nehemiah stood firm saying, I cannot come.
The enemy might use the things like government and laws to hinder the gospel work. But, we should not step down from the work which God has given us. We should be ready even to be imprisoned. The enemy will always lose.
The enemies Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem did not realize the importance and the dignity of the work, but tried to mock and despise Nehemiah and the Jews. They even tried to threaten them and stop the work.
But Nehemiah did not come down! On getting irritated, the enemies ordered to stop the work. But Nehemiah did not come down!
Nehemiah and God’s people worked with one hand and with the other hand they held a weapon and stood firm and built the walls, but they never came down! (Nehemiah 4:17)
The enemy always loses at the boldness which God gives!
Let us meet together and talk:
On seeing the development and the victory of God’s people, the enemies called Nehemiah insidiously “come, let us meet together and talk” (Nehemiah 6:2).
When we receive such invitation from the enemies, some people think, “Is this God’s will” and they go down to talk with them. They go down to see oneness in their thoughts with the enemy.
The enemy uses words like love, fellowship etc and make us fall away from the truth. And he makes us go with the world.
“Come for the discussion meeting, we will not take any decision”. Never go to such meetings which will pull us away from our high calling.
The victory belongs to the Lord.
The enemy thought that the people will get frightened if it costs their life. (Nehemiah 6:10)
This news came from a prophet only. But Nehemiah did not run to them nor was he frightened. He did not stop his work, but continued and completed the work in 52 days. He is the Activist!
“The hand of God was upon him” (Nehemiah 2:8). And that hand was victorious hand.
Even today, only the people who say, “I cannot come down, I am doing an important work, if I come, the work will cease”, will get victory.
Those who accept the enemy’s words and come down will go downwards only.
Nehemiah, who did not come also died!
What about us…………?


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