even if the bosses in the slums want to make some concessions, the intermediate officers will spoil the thing by tying the knot. This is something that happens strongly and routinely in all offices!
These intermediaries are the ones who praise the superior over the employee whom they know well and buy all the privileges.
They are the owner of the voice which says” Let I see how they will get promotion”! Unresistable power of the office! They are very wise in keeping a good relationship with higher officials.
There is one incident in Holy bible. The Babylonian king besieges and inhabits Jerusalem, bringing with him some of the young men of Jerusalem, and for three years he gave training on the babylonian language, culture, and things in the city. He aspires them to be employed in the responsibilities of his country.
He hands over this responsibility to Officer Aspenas and orders that food be served to these young men from the palace until the training is over. Daniel is one of those teenagers!
With love and zeal for God, Daniel did not want to defile himself by eating the food that came from the palace, but wanted to eat vegetables. Therefore. Applied to the officer.
Only those who act according to the scriptures, which are usually what kings say, can work as officials in the palace. Also, if someone tells the king that he is disobeying the king’s order because he is helping Daniel, thinking that his job will be in danger he went back I accepting Daniel’s request.
However, the officer accepted Daniel’s request because God had placed kindness and compassion on Officier’s eyes for daniel. We know that Daniel, who was thus enslaved, gradually rose and was elevated to the position next to the king.
Yes! If you obey God’s Word and act zealously, God will make it acceptable to you in the eyes of the authorities. Don’t worry! He will make it available this month itself. Rejoice ! God will give you the result you expect. Amen Amen!
It has been said, “And God made Daniel receive favor and mercy from the chief of the lords” (Daniel 1: 9) “And God made Ashpenaz sympathetic to Daniel.
(are you thinking it is crore blessing if I stayed in the current work itself? GOD is mighty to give promotion)
Wishing to fly with Jesus?
In the year 1984,the Olympic games were conducted at the city of Los Angeles where Hollywood is located. The Olympic...