Do not shipwreck the faith

Some years back a young man who graduated in Electronics was searching for a job for few years. He was not willing to work in any software department. So he thought, if he gets a job in electronics department, it will be fine, even if the salary is low, his future will be bright. In this situation he contacted me. At that time, even though I didn’t have any contact in this department, I provided this young Engineer a job through one of my friends.
He got a very low salary, but the job was very tough. Every day he has to go to big power stations where electricity is made and he has to fix some important machines and run them and keep a watch over them. Very few Engineers are there in the world that does such job.
Within two years, through his hard work and by the Grace of God this young Engineer grew in such a way that company in which he worked and the companies to whom he did projects extolled him.
As the days passed by, his burden in the job increased. His company’s name and business increased highly because of him. But his salary didn’t increase as per the contract they made.
This young man grew in age, but his salary did not increase. So his friends and family members started asking him very caringly. As he heard he became very discouraged.
In between the foreign companies who heard about his talents started calling him promising him a huge salary.
But this man hesitated to accept the opportunities from the new companies, seeing the works in progress in the present company, the guarantee he gave the company, and the attachment towards the company who taught him the job. But in the end, because of stress, he accepted to join in a foreign company.
The day came for joining the new company. He did not inform the company in which he was working. Neither did he obtain the relieving letter. He made these documents on his own for joining the new company and he joined. The days passed by.
He got good name in the new job. Even the job pressure was low. But he was experiencing the guilty conscience in him. He was born and brought up in a good Christian family. So naturally he had good Christian attitudes.
One day he contacted me over phone. He thanked me for the help I did for him, and told that he is very happy. He told that he wanted to sponsor a missionary and he decided long back. As he was talking, he told about the guilty conscience he has in his heart.
Brother, “I gave the experience certificate and the conduct certificate and have joined in the new job”. This guilty conscience is troubling me daily. What shall I do?

I told, “I thank God for the guilty conscience you have”. Many Christians don’t even have the heart to accept their mistakes, or the guilty conscience. God loves you, so only he has given you the good conscience to you. so first of all, mend the things in your part, then get reconciled to God and especially to the company in which you worked earlier. Then the guilty conscience will disappear and you will have the peace of God in your heart. I suggested him not to delay. Moreover I said, “if we do not set right the things in our life… and give a huge amount for the ministry… the gospel might be preached to many people. Many people might get the opportunity to experience the Love of God, and their names might be written in the book of life. But our names won’t be found in the book of life. So first of all, get that faith through good conscience that our names are written in the book of life, and then think of sponsoring the ministry.
And the young man promised me to do accordingly.
In these last days, when the wealth is increasing…
We see some people having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck. (1 Timothy 1:19) we cannot get ashore having the broken ship. So let us mend ourselves, mend the ship till the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ…
Let us be prepared just like the wise virgins, behold the bridegroom comes! (Matthew 25:6)


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