Second coming of Jesus and His power
He will rule over the house of jacob forever,and his kingdom will never end (Luk 1:33) The Kingdom of Jesus Christ will never end.Jesus Christ came to establish God’s kingdom. First God’s kingdom is established in the heart’s of men. The heart of the man who accepted...
Saul and David
Beloved in Christ, The children of Israel requested to appoint a king to them like other nations. Because of that, God made Saul as a king over Israel. Saul was very humble before he was appointed as a king. Even after he was appointed as a king, while children of...
Catch the foxes and Little foxes
Few days back I was chatting with a brother who is known to me about the importance of faithfulness in Christian living. I said to him, we are faithful in giving offerings and faithful in doing ministries too. But we forget to be faithful in the temporary worldly...
Realities never last, Memories never fade!
Man tries to bundle up his present realities in a bed sheet and store it up in a room called “The Past ”. Now and then he peeps into the room to indulge in his sweet memories of the past and then leaves them there and comes out to live in the present day reality. Some...
Catch the foxes and Little foxes
Few days back I was chatting with a brother who is known to me about the importance of faithfulness in Christian living. I said to him, we are faithful in giving offerings and faithful in doing ministries too. But we forget to be faithful in the temporary worldly...
Can you light up the life of the poor, oppressed and lowly?
She was a mother of three children, doing a part time course inSociology. As a requirement to complete her course, her professor had given her an assignment on the topic "smile" – wherein she must study smiling faces of at least three different individuals – by...