
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

The mighty act of the Lord"And by his mighty power he will bring all things into subjection under his dominion, according to his glorious body" (Philippians 3:21).When the Lord Jesus Christ comes to receive the saints. He will submit everything to Him. The armies of...

Why Sufferings?

Why Sufferings?

Beloved God’s children in Christ, Beloved God's children, you are special in God's eyes who are passing through sufferings and tribulations. These days many pastors teach about Christian life without suffering. It is completely wrong. Through the furnace of suffering...

Is the lost hope also lost?

Is the lost hope also lost?

He is a man struggling for life in the middle of the sea. Everyone died in the shipwreck,but he was still alive by grace of God.Pushed by waves finally he reached a no man island. Every day he was eagerly looking for anyone to come and rescue him. Also he sincerely...

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

Second coming of Jesus and His powerAnd then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. (Mar 13:26)Wherever we read about the second coming of Jesus, there His power is also mentioned. Yes, Jesus Christ is coming with power. In...

Saul and david

Saul and david

Beloved God’s children in Christ, The children of Israel requested to appoint a king to them like other nations. Because of that, God made Saul as a king over Israel. Saul was very humble before he was appointed as a king. Even after he was appointed as a king, while...

The wind that blows and the God who speaks!

The wind that blows and the God who speaks!

Youth is a time full of energy and excitement. It is like the powerful water falls. It can accomplish anything and everything with equal speed. At the same time we must acknowledge that its speed is not matched by its wisdom. Yes, while it has an unlimited supply of...



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