Peace Bridge
Two brothers had lived in a village. Their agricultural lands were adjacently located. More than forty years, these two brothers had been using agricultural machineries and tools, which were kept in common.There came a disruption to their unity. Due to difference of...
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Kingdom of Jesus Christ will never endHe will rule over the house of jacob forever, and his kingdom will never end (Luk 1:33)The Kingdom of Jesus Christ will never end. Jesus Christ came to establish God's kingdom. First God's kingdom is established in the heart's of...
Sorry, No Room for Nesting!
It is a well- known fact that during the days of Second World War, the Germans were capturing the Jews and subjected them to various tortures. They even used the Jews to conduct many experiments.In one such experiment, they told the prisoners that they were going to...
Spread your bread on the water
Few days back I went to one of my relatives' homes. He is a man of good character. A rationalist. Also he contacts many missionary movements and gives many support to them. Also he is very loving towards me.He reads our monthly magazine regularly without fail. Once I...
Sanctify Yourself
Our God is Holy and He called us to live a Holy life. Without holiness no one sees God. In God's kingdom nothing unclean and no one who tells lies will ever enter it.The Holy Spirit sanctifies us. He sanctifies the shortcomings in our life and makes us perfect. God...
The great expectation of the dad
He was a weak student in school. He was only half the size of his fellow classmates. But for his dad he wanted him to become a great football player.When he joined high school he enrolled himself for football coaching. He didn't even miss a single class of coaching....