
To Partake in the First Resurrection

To Partake in the First Resurrection

Beloved God’s children in Christ, In order to partake in the first resurrection we must know four important things. First, we must know Him. Second, we must know the power of His resurrection. Third, we must know the sharing of His sufferings. Fourth, we must have a...

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

Jesus Comes as King of KingsComing out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.” He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. 16 On his robe and on his thigh he has this name...

“You will Fly”

“You will Fly”

A desire to live with God is sleeping calmly in heart. Whenever we try to wake it up,the cyclone of sin attacking our heart and damaging severely and make it calm.When we wake up again and think “it's not possible to live in harmony with Jesus” and deciding to make a...

Endure the Insults…go to him

Endure the Insults…go to him

One of our north Indian missionaries incharge organized a special pastor's meeting there. The meeting was planned to conduct for three day and many pastors were planned to join the meeting. Some special pastors and church elders traveled from Tamilnadu there for the...

This story spread among of the Jews

This story spread among of the Jews

Few years back a good young man started coming to my father's church, who was rejected by his own family for accepting our Lord.He has many divine qualities. He has good desires to help everyone. Though he studied well, because of the situation he was working in his...

The Model for Prayer

We all know that during the end of 18th Century Rev.Ragland ministered in the southern parts of India. In his last days he suffered a lot and caught by disease, he bought portridge in his hat and drank, like wise he ministered for God and breathed his last in...



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