The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Jesus the Resurrection and the LifeJesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die”John 11:25The above verse which our Lord told to Martha makes us feel ecstasy. When Martha's brother Lazarus died...
“The Pain of a Bird that doesnot Know the Way”
The back of the house where we lived looks like a big forest full of trees and shrubs. A small gap can be found at the top of the back door once, a bird came into the house through that gap. Not knowing the way it came, it flew here and there in fear.At noon, when I...
A Prayer Model – Saint John the Dwarf
Starting from third century up to the fifth century, many Christian monks used to live in the deserts of Egypt. Among most religious orders, monks live in simple, austere rooms. Medieval monastic life consisted of prayer, reading, meditation and manual labor. Prayer...
Do We Love Mother?
One day, after nearly twenty-nine years of married life my wife reminded me of another woman I should love. That woman is no one else, that's my mother. She lost her husband and lived as a widow for nineteen years. I could not meet him of ten because of my workload...
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Hope of Resurrection"For the Lord Himself will descent from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds...
“Eat the baked and die on fate”
The days we spent in youth in native place, will remain in our hearts as fresh flowers until we feel dried in old age. Same way my heart also remembers things that happened 25 years back.There are not many options for transport except cycles. Our town is the only...