Once there lived a very strong wood cutter. He asked a carpenter to give him a work. That Carpenter promised him to give a work with good salary. Since he is going to get a good salary the wood cutter decided to work hard. The carpenter gave him an axe and took him into the forest to show the workplaces.
First day the woodcutter had cut 18 trees and brought them to his owner. The carpenter praised him for his work. The wood cutter felt encouraged by his owner’s praise and decided to cut more trees on the next day. But after a long struggle he could cut only 15 trees. The third day he was able to cut only 10 trees. He started thinking that he is losing his strength day by day. So he went to his owner and said ‘I am not able to cut trees like before’. The carpenter asked him when was the last time you sharpened your axe was. The wood cutter replied ‘I did not find time to sharpen the axe since I was busy cutting trees’.
Likewise many times we do not sharpen things that have become blunt. We spend our time and energy on worldly matters and then say that we do not have time to pray or read Bible. Shall we find time to spend in God’s feet during our busy schedule to sharpen our spiritual life which is blunt. Only then we can bring more souls (trees) to God.
“But those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint”.
Isaiah: 40-31-NIV