Do you need a compliment from God?

Sports car

Written by Dr Ajantha Immanuel

September 24, 2019

A rich young man was studying in a college. He had a desire to buy a sports car from nearby car show room for a long time.  He knew that his father can buy that car for him. So he asked his father to buy that car on his graduation day. Graduation day was also nearing. But his father was not seemed to buy the car.

On graduation day his father presented him a decorated box. When he happily opened the box he saw a bible inside. He was very much disappointed. He left the house angrily then he never returned back home.

Years passed. The young man became a successful business man. He got a good family too. One day he wanted to see his father before his father die. When he was preparing for going to meet his father he received his father’s demise news. He also came to know that his father had given him all his properties. When the man reached his father’s home his heart was much burdened. There among books he saw the bible his father presented him on his graduation day. With tears in eyes he opened the bible and started reading. He noticed that his father had underlined the following verse “If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” Matthew 7:11(NIV)

Suddenly a key fell down from the Bible. Inside the Bible he saw a receipt of car payment and graduation day date was mentioned in it. He was completely shattered.

Like the young man, many times we stumble if we do not receive God’s blessings. Shall we dedicate ourselves to God to receive his blessings?


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