Beloved God’s children in Christ,
Today our work is to build. Let us build together with Him who said, I will build my church on this rock, the gates of hell shall not prevail over it. We cannot be lazy now. We cannot think that we should wait. Let us rise up actively build.
When Nehemiah started building the walls of Jerusalem, the people mocked the Jews saying, what is the thing that you are doing? What do these feeble Jews do? Will they revive the stones out of the heaps of the rubbish which are burned? Even, that which they build, if a fox go up he shall even break down their stone wall. But among all the mockery and reprehension, the wall was built together and rose up.
The people were eager to work. It is the Leader’s duty to lead the people in the right path. They prayed to God while building and kept watchmen night and day because of the enemies. After joining the people in the constructing work, we need prayer teams to pray unceasingly. We should use the spiritual weapons. The flesh won’t be of any help. They worked with one hand and had the weapon in the other hand. When we build, we should put all our effort and also keep vigilance of the enemy. The enemy will try to scatter our concentration while building.
Just as Nehemiah said, I am doing a great work, so I cannot come, we also should be able to say like this. We should build upon the foundation which is Jesus Christ. Upon that foundation, according to the grace of God which is given to us, as a wise master builder, we should build with gold, silver, and precious stones. If, one builds with wood, hay and stubble, his work will be revealed. It will be revealed through fire. The fire will examine the work of that person. If ones work remains what he built, he will receive the reward. Let us build in such a way that we may receive the reward. Amen! Hallelujah!