From the year 1990 to 1995 I was living in Kodambakkam in Chennai. It was the time I newly joined in the job, so I was having my breakfast and lunch from the company canteen, and dinner from various restaurants in Kodambakkam. I have met many youngsters in those night restaurants. In those days many of them were working in cine line. Many of them were musicians, dance group people, song writers, directors and editors, while some were trying to enter in the cine department.
I have seen many of them leaving their native places and coming to the city and losing their wealth and health and working hard in order to expose their talents. Many among them were well educated; if they wanted they could have joined in some government job. But their interest in arts pushed them to the extreme that they just wanted to prove their talents to the world. Even many among them stay unmarried. They don’t have a good place to live and good food to eat. But their wish is “one day I want to become a renowned artist”.
Many among such people don’t even get a change to get a role in the cine field. Moreover sometimes the films don’t get released in which they worked. Only one among the hundred might have played a role in the film which gets released. I have seen such people get joy and satisfaction seeing their names on that silver screen, thinking, they have obtained the aim of their life. I have also seen people jumping in joy on seeing their names on the screen as if they got millions of rupees. All these are just vanity, temporary worldly happiness. There are many more of these people who lost or losing their talents, their young days, health, wealth, and their future.
But our God……. is standing at the door of our heart to write all our names in the book of life, not on the screen which will someday disappear.
But his message has not yet reached many people. But if they might have known this message, they might have committed their talents and abilities to God and might have joined in this “great work of writing the names of many people in the book of life”.
But a sad thing is that many people who know this message don’t even think if their names are written in the book of life. Moreover some children of God whose names are written in the book of life are still hesitating to commit their lives, talents and their abilities to get other people know this message.
When my friend shared all this in the office, one of the colleagues came and told, your father purchased this land by the amount for which he paid the income tax. After your father’s death, if your mother would have transferred the land in your name and asked you to give the amount of their share, you could have avoided spending such a huge amount in registering the land and paying the income tax.
In a world where the young people commit their whole life just to see their names on the screen once, how much more should we work hard for our Lord who promised us the eternal life and written our names in the book of life!