Beloved God’s children in Christ,
Prayer less ness is a sin against God for any child of God. Prayer is an communication line between God and Man and it is a ladder to get to heaven. Prayer and faith are the two powerful weapons for a child of God. A prayer of faith delivers the sick and those who are in bondage.
Since Daniel was a prayer warrior. He was able to advise/counsel the kings and rulers. When the other counselors to the king were Jealous and tried to find a way to accuse him falsely He prayed 3 times everyday. (Dan.6:10) When we pray it will be a blessing and strength. The children of God should not lose heart and pray (Luke 18:1). Let us be not weary but pray.
In this World we can see 3 types of Christians.
1) Name sake Christians – they will be fleshly minded.
2) Soulish Christians – They depend on their soul strength and live they will have good prayer life, and do lot of good works. But will live for their motivated by their Christian pride.
3) Spiritual Christians – They will be God conscious and they will be hidden, and they are balanced and always please god alone.
*How we should pray?
1) Pray unceasingly. (1 Thes.5:17)
2) Pray without anxiousness with thanks giving let your requests be made known to God. (Phil.4:6)
3) Pray for all men. (1 Tim.2:1)
4) Pray always in the spirit. (Ephe.6:18)
5) Watch and pray. (Mat.26:41)
*Why we should Pray?
1) Only through prayer one can escape from temptation (Mat.26:41)
“A sinning man will stop praying and a praying man will stop sinning” (Leonard Ravenhill). “If you don’t desire to meet the devil, during the day meet Jesus before dawn” (C.T.Studd)
Only way to escape from this world, flesh, and satan is through watch and pray. If we are not alert in our prayer life, satan will sow seeds of tares, and also we can escape from death.
2) Through prayer we receive good things from God. (James 1:17)
For every good and perfect gifts come from the Father of lights. So receive our blessings and needs, we can only receive it through prayer. If we ask anything according to his will. He will answer our prayers. We should always humble ourselves and depend on him to receive his blessings.
3) Only through prayer our we will have fulness of Joy (John 16:23,24)
(Pslm.4:7) You gave us joy more than their joy of grains and new wine could abound.
When we worship our God we recieve a kind of Joy where this world could not take it away from us.
4) We can escape from dangerous and trap of satan and from problems caused by men only through prayer
When we call upon Him our God provides a solution or a way of escape from evil men (Pslm.91:15)
5) Only through prayers our worries and burdens are removed
Since the Lord cares for us let us leave all our worries and burdens and cares to Him. He delivers us so let us pray unto Him.
*Why our prayers are not answered?
1) If we pray that our lusts to be fulfilled then our prayers will not be answered (James 4:3)
2) If we do not humble ourselves and ask for His grace. Our prayers will not be answered. (2Chro.7:14)
3) If we pray in unbelief without hoping His word that prayer will not be answered.
prayer is a powerful weapon. We should pray in such a way that we prove that God exists and He changeth not and we should pray an intercessory prayer for others too.