The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

The mighty act of the Lord
“And by his mighty power he will bring all things into subjection under his dominion, according to his glorious body” (Philippians 3:21).
When the Lord Jesus Christ comes to receive the saints. He will submit everything to Him. The armies of the opposing enemy will tremble with fear. The power of God, the power of the resurrection. Will be everywhere on earth. Moreover, our meager body is by the power of God. Transfigured as the body of the resurrected glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, Jesus was resurrected on the Mount of Transfiguration. His robe was as white as light and his face shone like the sun.
“And he was transfigured before them: and his face shone like the sun, and his raiment was white as the light” (Prov. 17: 2) while Jesus Christ was on earth. He showed his disciples how to look like a reincarnation. Jesus Christ was resurrected while on earth. His body became a body of glory. That’s it. We who have a fleshly body will be transformed into a body of glory by the power of God. Let us fly in the sky with Jesus Christ and rejoice.

Able to keep from falling
“He who has the power to protect you from falling, and to keep you blameless in his glorious sanctuary with great joy …” (Jude 24)
We must believe that God is mighty. We must believe that Jesus Christ saves us by his power. He will save our goat dough. His power will save us. We must clothe ourselves with the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is why the scripture says. It is said that his divine power gives him everything he needs for devotion.
“For by the knowledge of him who calls by his glory and mercy he gives us all things that are necessary for life and godliness;
Do not count godly living as your own effort. It is by divine power. How does that power work? By the knowledge of knowing Jesus. God’s power works in our lives. Without the power of God we cannot stand for a minute. It is the power of God that gives us everything we need for devotion to God. The power of God keeps us from hearing the desires of the world. Jesus is the Son of God. He is the source of power. Let us believe in him and pray. Eliza was well aware of this. Elisha’s servant was captured when the Syrian army came against him. Elisa did not move. Eliza immediately applied. Eliza’s maid’s eyes opened. Those with fiery horses all around
He was surprised to see that the mountain was full. “And he said unto them, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them” (2 Kings 6:16).
Yes! God will send an army to protect His children. He is the Lord of hosts. Not only that: that mighty Lord Jesus Christ is in us. He will save us. Will save until the end.

The coming of Jesus Christ and the power of wrath
“Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse It was seen that the one who climbed on it was true and truthful “He will judge and justify war ”(Revelation 19:11).
Jesus Christ will come with power in His public coming. Scripture says that the jewel comes with a burning fire. Scripture says he will destroy the Antichrist by the breath of his nose. Not only that, the scripture says that he will destroy the opposing armies with the sword of his mouth. We have seen the power of salvation. We have seen the power that Jesus Christ manifested among us. But never saw the strength of his anger. Moses saw the power of his anger. That is why. Moses laments in his psalm. (Psalm 90:11) Moses was well aware of the wrath of the Lord. We do not understand. Jesus is coming; He is coming to judge the earth. If he comes with the power of their anger. People do not understand. Because we have seen only the power of his salvation. Do not believe in the power of his anger. Noah believed. He believed when told that this world would end. Became pious. We need to fear the Lord, be warned, repent, and reform ourselves. To be prepared for the coming of the Lord. Yes! Jesus Christ is coming to judge the earth.


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