The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

Jesus the Resurrection and the Life
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die”John 11:25
The above verse which our Lord told to Martha makes us feel ecstasy. When Martha’s brother Lazarus died Jesus said to Martha about resurrection. If we believe in Jesus we have life. And also he is the resurrection. He is the source of our resurrection when he will come with glory to take up his holy people.
Jesus made Lazarus alive again to prove that he was true. That time people around him believed in him and also they believed he is the resurrection and the life. Jesus said those who believe him will do great wonders. Godly people had proved this by raising the dead.
When Smith Wiggles Worth was ministering in a place, a woman called Mary was seriously ill. When her friends called her to the prayer meeting she refused. But she agreed to bring the preacher to her place. But before the preacher could reach her home she passed away.
When she died she went to heaven and saw Jesus Christ. She saw the God’s glory and the praise songs that made her enthusiastic. Then Jesus told her ‘you shall go’. Since Wiggles Worth was praying for her to rise again she became alive again. People around them shouted in joy. Yes! Truly Jesus is the resurrection and life.

Risen Jesus Christ
He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Mathew-28-6
The news about Jesus resurrection is happy news. Disciples would have become so happy hearing this news. Jesus was raised defeating the death. The apostles were the witnesses for his resurrection. Jesus was seen to apostles after his resurrection. Mary Macdalene announced the news to the disciples. When peter and cleopas was on the way to Emmaus they saw resurrected Jesus Christ. But Thomas did not believe, so Jesus appeared in front of him and said ‘Do not doubt’
Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” ‘John-20-27
He put his finger in the wounds of Jesus and rejoiced shouting ‘My Lord! My God! Even apostle Paul saw him face to face and witnessed for his resurrection.


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