The wind that blows and the God who speaks!

Written by Reverent Selvakumar

November 9, 2021

Youth is a time full of energy and excitement. It is like the powerful water falls. It can accomplish anything and everything with equal speed. At the same time we must acknowledge that its speed is not matched by its wisdom. Yes, while it has an unlimited supply of power to accomplish things, it is not endowed with an equal amount of wisdom to make the right choices. Youth is neither daytime nor night time but rather a twilight time, when things may not look very clear! 

If a young man has parents, siblings and relatives who can offer good advice to him, then he will be like the water falls which runs into a well-built canal which can flow through the plains making the land fertile. If a youth gets into the habit of listening to and walking in God’s counsel, then there is nothing to counter that sweet experience. 

I can hear you saying, “Ok, annan. But what is the relationship between the wind and God?” Sometimes a sweet gentle breeze blows through our life and we tend to take it as God’s approval and move on happily. But suddenly the breeze turns into a violent storm and capsizes our boat! A saint wrote, “Young people who have received a clear guidance from the Lord regarding their marriage and job and obeyed Him, will have an easy time of doing God’s will all the rest of their lives. But those who have missed God’s will in these two crucial matters, will be pushed into hard situations which make it difficult for them to do His will.”

My dear young brothers and sisters, there is a wind that’s called a wind “that blocks.” When we go astray from God’s will, because of His love for us, He will send us some hard situations. If we are alert and understand God’s dealings with us and leave the things which are not pleasing to Him, then the storm will become quiet. Such great is God’s love for us!

Please don’t say, “What? A blocking wind, a breeze and a storm? Oh, No! I don’t even know which wind is blowing in my life! This annan has thrown me a bomb?!” The only one who can tell you very clearly which wind is blowing in your life through your present situation, is the Holy Spirit! If you still have not received that experience, then believe that the Lord can guide you through your parents or spiritual mentor!

Ok, friends! The Acts of the Apostles talks about the three winds – the blocking wind, the breeze and the storm! Why don’t you sit and meditate on this chapter? When you do so, the Holy Spirit will speak to you! When He speaks, you can share it with annan. See you next month! God bless you!


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