Only the white cat will win

Written by Reverent Selvakumar

March 8, 2021

A person owned 2 cats, one was white in color and the other one black.

His past time was to make both the cats to fight each other, until one of them could not fight any longer. It was customary for him to allow spectators / passers by to bid which color cat would win and enjoyed the fight along with the shouting spectators in a street corner.

The owner of the cats made an announcement, that, ‘Whoever wished to join the bid had to bid at least two days in advance by paying the bidding amount.

The cat which had many bidders lost in the fight and the money the owner got from the bidders, became his own. He earned his livelihood through this sport.

One day the friend of cats’ owner noticed this and asked him the secret “How is that every time the cat which received the lowest number of bidders always wins?”

The owner of the cats laughingly replied that if he received maximum bidders for the white cat, he would starve the white cat for 2 days and would give good food to the black cat. On the day of competition, the white cat could not fight against the black cat and black cat would be the winner. Thus, he earned lot of money.

Just like the fight between cats, there is always a fight between spirit and flesh within every human being.

Who is the winner of this fight?

If a person feeds the spirit and starves the flesh, the spirit man will win. Heaven will rejoice. The inner man (spirit man) will become stronger.

The carnal person will succeed if he starves the spirit and feeds the flesh. The devil will rejoice.

What is the diet of the spirit man?

1. Seeking God’s presence, by having a personal time, communion and fellowship with God

2. Prayer and Fasting

3. Scripture reading and Meditation on the word of God

When a person engages in such things, the spiritual man becomes bold, strong and powerful.

What are the types of food a flesh craves?

The mobile, Whats App, the television, the video games, Facebook, the lusts, the slander, jealousy, shouting, screaming, all these things make the carnal man excited and defeat the spiritual man.

When you walk in the spirit and yield to the spirit and uproot the desires of the flesh, you will defeat the flesh and gain victory after victory, strength after strength and you will be the winner all the time. Holy Spirit will lead you in all your endeavors.

Paul inspired by the Holy Spirit writes to the believers in Galatians 5:17 as follows

“For the sinful nature has its desire which is opposed to the Spirit, and the [desire of the] Spirit opposes the sinful nature; for these [two, the sinful nature and the Spirit] are in direct opposition to each other [continually in conflict], so that you [as believers] do not [always] do whatever [good things] you want to do.


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