I had the opportunity to speak with a middle-aged man who works as a lawyer in the Divorce Procedure Court. When he says, she will be 21 years old. In Beautiful dress stylized jewellery, bracelets on the hands, she came to my office happily. I thought she had come to invite me to be a special guest for a function and I said “Come”.
She said my name and asked whether you were that lawyer. I said “yes”. Uncle , I want a divorce from my husband, and if there was a reason to file a case in the court, that i would get a divorce immediately, tell me, she asked innocently. Tears welled up in my eyes as I listened to her talk as she was much younger than my daughter.
To the question, “Mam, what’s the matter with you? Is your husband bullying you?” , she told None of that Uncle , nothing coincide for me and my husband. I have come here because I have decided it will not be alright. She said three months, for which I asked “how many years it had been since you got married?”. He said my head spinned.
Even the engine of a new bike is set after it runs at least a thousand kilometres. So what’s wrong with taking years to unite two minds that were born and raised in different circumstances!
When the two make a covenant in the Middle East, an animal will be splits in two and the two of them pass through the middle of the corpse! That is, we have made a covenant in the presence of the blood of that slain animal. That means both should not violate it.
In fact in marriage a man and a woman make a covenant in the presence of Jesus Christ (blood) and united. Yes! God is the witness to that marriage! When we search for our life partner, we should fell on the foot of Jesus and tell ,Lord give me life partner according to your will what you likes. Then, Lord itself will uphold you marriage relationship when you find your life partner.
Yes, If Lord also unite with husband and wife in that family, then threefold thread will not cut off! “ Because the Lord has been witness Between you and the wife of your youth, With whom you have dealt treacherously; Yet she is your companion And your wife by covenant.”(Malachi 2:14 )