In 1986, I was in 11th grade. One day my father came to my school and informed me that I had to discontinue my studies and get admitted in a polytechnic college. Dad got voluntary retirement from railway job to do full time ministry in the church. As a church pastor, he felt that he could not spend much for my higher education. My 23-year-old brother was a young pastor in Salem and he needed someone to assist him. So, my father wanted me to study in Salem and be an assistant to my brother.
I was a studious student. On hearing the news, the world seemed dark to me. I went to join a polytechnic college in Salem. At first, my brother thought of getting me admission in an ordinary polytechnic college. Our relative Er. B. Williams saw my very high scores in the subjects tried very hard to enroll me in one of the top colleges in India.
My grandfather and great grandfather were all pastors. They accepted Jesus through the British missionaries. My grandparents had not mentioned the caste name in their certificate. In my certificate it was said Indian Christian. So, I was considered as Forward Class.
I decided to study well and finish polytechnic course and join engineering college to become a graduate. Only a few seats were available in Textiles for FC quota.
A good Christian family was regular to the church where my brother, was a Pastor. The mother was a high official in government service. She came up with an idea.
A special offer was given to Kanyakumari district Christians, where SUIC is added to Indian Christian in their certificate. This SUIC considered Christians as Backward Class. If I could get SUIC in my certificate, it would be easy to get a seat in an engineering college in BC quota.
I was born in Donavur. It is located between Tirunelveli and Kanyakumari. Donavur is in Tirunelveli district. I was asked to change my hometown Tirunelveli District to Kanyakumari.
I was a 15-year-old boy, at that time. I asked my brother what would be his advice. My brother who was a pastor, very clearly stated it was a sin to change the home town from Tirunelveli to Kanyakumari for the privilege of getting a seat in a college. Even a small mistake can prevent us from attaining our eternal life.
I told the Lady officer of high rank that I would stay at home rather than lose the kingdom of heaven. I scored first rank when I graduated from the college. I got a job in a good company in Chennai while studying in the college. I was able to do higher studies and God lifted me up and gave honourable positions which I never dream off. The Lord is gracious to keep the covenant of good conscience.
“Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck:” (1Timothy 1: 19)