The Secret of Jesus Christ as your Hope for Glory

“To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”(Colossians 1:27 )

How will we be taken in the coming of Jesus Christ? How do we have faith in the coming of Jesus Christ?  Jesus Christ is within us, the bearer of glory.  Yes, the hope that Jesus Christ dwells within us is that we will be taken up in the coming of Jesus Christ.  Is it any wonder that the glorious Lord, who dwelt on the earth, gave his life for us?  But what is even more astonishing than that is that Jesus Christ dwells within us.  How wonderful and how blessed!

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.”(Revelation 3:20)

Jesus Christ is knocking at our heart door.  May we open the door of our hearts to Jesus Christ!  Jesus Christ will enter into our hearts and dine with us.  how blessed! If Jesus Christ is in our heart, we will be taken in the coming of Jesus Christ.  Do not let the world dwell in our hearts.  Do not be inhabited by sin.  Let us honour Jesus in our hearts.  Your treasure is where your heart is.  Let your heart be over Jesus.  Then the coming of Jesus Christ will be our longing.  We will gladly prepare for his arrival. 

How can we not be taken in His coming when Jesus Christ is in our hearts?  Yes.  Jesus Christ is our hope of glory.  The hope of that glory is the joy that Jesus Christ dwells in us, how much joy! Oh Jesus!how great is your love!  Jesus selects me to dwell in me, thank you. Glory to you.

Be Strong in the Power of the strength of God

 Children who have accepted Jesus Christ have struggle. But there is victory in that struggle.  We must clothe ourselves with the power of God to win in the struggle.  First, we must be strengthened in Lord.  Yes!  Have to depend on Jesus.  We cannot act on our own and win our enemy.  Daily we must depend on Jesus.  We should put on the whole armor of God.

When we learn about the armor of God ,it tells about glorious things like truth, justice, faith. All of this will come in the word of God.The security of life is to accept the word of God with serenity and act accordingly: Beloved, it is a privilege to read and meditate on the word of God . Through that only you can be saved. The word of God which is a sword of spirit is given as a weapon. However, even if this also denotes the verse , a verse that the Holy Spirit expresses is changed into a weapon and it chases and haunts our enemy. Wait in God to get sword of spirit.  You are warrior in the army of Jesus.  You are not just for yourself but ambassador standing in the army of Jesus for all the saints.  The warrior who carries the sword of spirit  for your families, friends, church and servants of God.  Also, be alert and awake in prayer by the Spirit.

  This is the meaning of the word “stay awake” in the bible. Let us pray in spirit. If you pray without putting on the armor of God, it is vain. It is an abomination to him that pray without hearing the scripture: let us put on the whole armor according to the word of the LORD. 

It is very important to stay awake like this in these last days.  Let us pray to receive the power of God for it.

But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”(Acts 1:8)

Without Holy Spirit, we can’t live a useful life mightily. So we must always be entangled in the power of the Holy Spirit.   Our inner man should be strengthened by the power of Holy Spirit.

“that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man,”(Ephesians 3:16)

The Holy Spirit Himself makes us strong. Let us pray that the Spirit of the Lord strengthen us. Spirit of Lord strengthened Samson. That is the strength to do the battle against the flesh. Likewise, the strength for spiritual battle is Holy Spirit only. Samson teared the lion by the strength of Holy Spirit. David killed lion and bear. How? It is by the power of the Holy Spirit. Like this only the Lord has given us the power to slay Satan the Lion by the Holy Spirit. So, let us be strengthen by Holy Spirit.

Let us be the lamp burning with the oil, which is Holy Spirit and get ready like a wise women for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Winner

We must be awake to win the struggle which is for us and be placed in the coming of the Lord. We will be changed as a overcomer in Jesus Christ. Beloved, still some days only left. Truly  Jesus Christ is coming soon.  Let us keep on praying that we will be worthy to stand before Jesus Christ on the day of his coming. 

Yes Jesus Christ comes with power.  The power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ will work mightily.  The saints will be resurrected and  be transformed.  Jesus Christ will appear in glory.  Let us be ready to go to Him to see Him . Let us sanctify ourselves.


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