Word of life

Written by Reverent Selvakumar

January 8, 2021

My friend told that original country chicken eggs will be available in one place. I also went to that place to buy eggs.  What brother! In other places the country chicken eggs are selling at Rs 10 and Rs 12. But you are telling Rs 15.

Brother!  We have about 400 country chicken on our farm and we are maintaining it.  From laying eggs to hatching young ones, everything is injection only in a broiler chicken. The same method is followed for country chicken also. But for our country chicken, we are not putting any type of injection. In our farm, joining with cock, the eggs are laid in natural way.

“I’m coming to the point. If you keep the egg in the manner I told, young ones will come. But I’m telling for sure that in the egg which you are telling, young ones will not come. Why?  I asked curiously.  He said there is life inside the naturally available country egg.  Only then can the fetus be created. In The egg we received through injection, there is no life.

 yes!  The Holy Bible that we have, even though it may seem to be like other books in letters from, there is a life inside that word.  It is the irresistible truth that it has the power to make those who read and meditate on it like the image of Jesus. So brother! Don’t forget to flip through the scriptures every day.  The scripture will turn your life around on the day of Go.  What I say.


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